4.2 Explain the effects of standard, wide angle and telephoto lenses

Explain, with illustrations, the effects of standard, wide angle and telephoto lenses. Use your blog post to explain the effect of these lenses: Angle of view, effect on perspective, etc…

Standard Lenses:

What is it? As I said earlier on the other post, a prime lens has a fixed focal length which means there is no zoom in or out, it’s you, the person behind the camera that is zooming out/in manually by moving around the subject to get a different distance.

Because these lenses do not have all kind of glasses inside as zoom lenses do, so it makes them much faster to use. Another fact why they are so useful is the low f-value you can get (1.8, 1.2 and even 0.95) comparing to some basic zoom lenses with minimum no less than 5.6, 4.0 etc… this means one thing, a lot more light goes through, getting better exposed photographs and very useful in low light situations. Further more standard lenses are perfect for portraits as the combination of getting a sharp effect and a narrow depth of field will be handy in taking portraits of humans.

See the source image

Wide angle lenses

I would say wide angle lenses can take a big proportion of what you see, maybe the first thing most of us, the beginners think at when we hear wide angle lenses is “landscape” and is because they are able to take just as much as your eyes can see in one scene, nearly 180 degrees and this makes it obvious why we want to capture the whole angle of perspective.

See the source image

Telephoto lenses

These lenses are helping the photographer get closer to the subject wanted from a long distance, comparing to other zoom in lenses you will still get a nice sharp image even if its 2 km away, for example it very used in wild life where you cannot really stay 10 meters away of a tiger or in sports when you have to shot athletes etc…

One of the effects created by those lenses are when the distance between the objects from the frame is minimalized.

Telephoto Perspective Compression
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